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Diccionari de neurociència


Diccionari de neurociència - Presentació

© Authors:
Antoni Valero-Cabré (primary author)
Josep Reig Vilallonga; Xavier Navarro Acebes (scientific coordinators)
Laia Acarín Pérez; Albert Adell Calduch; Jordi Bruna Escuer; Joan X. Comella Carnicé; Arcadi Gual Sala; Carme Junqué Plaja; Josep M. Pericay Hosta; Antoni Rodríguez Fornells; Elena Valderrama Vallés (authors specialized in subject fields)

© Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2012
With the advice of: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology 
With the support of: Government of Catalonia. Ministry of Health
In collaboration with: Vives Network


This dictionary gathers about two thousand terms related to neuroscience, together with the definition in Catalan and equivalents in Spanish and English.

The work is organized according to a thematic organization including neuroanatomy, neurohistology, cellular neurobiology, developmental neurobiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, cellular and systems neurophysiology, behavioral neurobiology, neurology, neuropsychology and psychiatrics, computational neuroscience and disciplines related to neuroscience.

It is the online version of the Diccionari de neurociencia ('Neuroscience Dictionary'), initiative of the expert on neuroscience Antoni Valero-Cabré and elaborated by a team of medical specialists from several universities, coordinated by professors Josep Reig i Xavier Navarro from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, in collaboration with TERMCAT, which has coordinated the project and the terminology management. The Vives Network has supervised the development of the project, which has had the support of Catalan Government Health Department and the sponsorship of Obra Social de CatalunyaCaixa.

Clicking on "Consulta de termes" ('Search term'), terms can be looked up in two ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), or introducing a term in any language in the upper space "Text de la consulta" ('Text search'); this second option allows simple or advanced searches.


Work team
Concept diagram


Published and advised by:



With the support of:

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REIG VILALLONGA, Josep.; NAVARRO ACEBES, Xavier (coord.); VALERO-CABRÉ, Antoni [et al.]. Diccionari de neurociència [en línia] . Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2012. (Diccionaris en Línia)


Darrera actualització: 07-03-2025