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Noms de papallones


Noms de papallones - Presentació

© Author and Publisher: TERMCAT, Centre for Terminology, 2020 (First edition: 2015)
© Illustrations: Martí Franch
In collaboration with: Granollers Museum of Natural Sciences 


The online dictionary Noms de papallones (‘Butterflies names’) gathers 214 entries of butterflies species present at the territories where Catalan is spoken and classified in six families and 82 genres. The thematic classification headed by a numeric code, follows the systematic order according to the evolutive history of families and genres.

Each article contains the scientific name, the denomination and definition in Catalan, the equivalents in Spanish, English and French, including Italian in some cases. More than half of the entries provides illustrations, which have been elaborated by Martí Franch on the occasion of the collection of posters Papallones de Catalunya (‘Catalonian Butterflies’).

The dictionary is the result of a setting and fixing process of the common day butterflies designations located in the Catalan spoken territories. The project was started with the launching of an initial proposal elaborated by a commission of experts from the Granollers Museum of Natural Sciences and the Catalan Society of Lepidoterology, and finally ended with the approval of a criterion from the Supervisory Council of TERMCAT.

This work that highlights in particular the new Catalan terms for those species without a common name, aims to be a reference tool in lepidopterology for the general audience.

Clicking on "Consulta de termes" ('Term search'), terms can be looked up in three ways: using the alphabetical indexes (there is a different index for each language), using the thematic access or making simple or advanced searches in the upper space "Text de la consulta" ('Text search') in any of the dictionary languages.


Work team
Concept diagram

Other documents related to the project:

Initial proposal of the designations of the common day butterflies located in the Catalan spoken territories
Information about the meeting held with experts  for the standardization of  common designations of day butterflies in Catalan
Criteris per a la denominació comuna de les papallones diürnes dels territoris catalans ('Criteria for the designations of the common day butterflies located in the Catalan spoken territories’) established by the Supervisory Council of TERMCAT
Article on the criteria established by the Supervisory Council at Estudis romànics magazine
Papallones de Catalunya. Terra baixa mediterrània

Poster papallones baixa muntanya

Papallones de Catalunya. Muntanya mitjana

Papallones de Catalunya. Muntanya mitjana

Papallones de Catalunya. Alta muntanya

Imatge papallones alta muntanya


Author and Publisher:



In collaboration with:

Logo Museu Ciències Granollers


TERMCAT, CENTRE DE TERMINOLOGIA. Noms de papallones [en línia]. 3a ed. Barcelona: TERMCAT, Centre de Terminologia, cop. 2020. (Diccionaris en Línia)
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Darrera actualització: 29-09-2020